Everyone has "those days" where things just didn't go your way. Some people, a lot of people, use "those days" as an excuse for over-eating, and not just over-eating but over indulging.
Now, I am not an emotional eater, in times of stress and in times of sadness I actually lose my appetite. But I am what I call a "reward eater", example: "Oh, I worked out today, can't wait to go home and eat 8 grilled cheeses." The 8 grilled cheeses is an exaggeration (but not by much).
Now, you can also control emotional eating by just accepting that you're not going to eat a salad, but you're going to eat what you want. I provided similar advice in the PMS blog I posted.
A lot of people eat for a number of reasons, and surprisingly it's rarely ever because we're hungry. It's usually because we're: depressed, bored, lonely, frustrated, stressed, and anxious.
(Another fun fact: 80% of the time we feel hunger, we're actually THIRSTY! Always have a water bottle or even some tea with you, you are not hungry YOU ARE THIRSTY.)
(But 20% of the time-you're hungry).
A good way to curb emotional eating is not by starving oneself (that is never the answer), its by feeding those feelings, and satisfying them the healthiest way you can. First, some advice on what to do to help boost your emotional state of mind with exercise.
1. When you're feeling stressed or depressed, do what I do: Yoga!
I understand that not everyone is extremely flexible, and not everyone knows very much about yoga in general. Here are 2 simple moves you can do that not only will improve your physical health, but your mental health as well.
Downward facing dog:
*From a kneeling position, place your hands in front of you so they are perpendicular to the floor, palms facing down.
*Slowly start to extend your body forward, until your arms have reached their maximum stretch.
*Slowly walk your legs up until they are completely straight, (keep your hands on the floor).
Keep your head down, hold this position for as long as you'd like, no longer than 2 minutes though. Feel the stretch! Think of happy thoughts, and play some of your favorite music.
Shava Asana:
*Lay either a yoga mat or a blanket down on your floor (a good pose for outside as well).
*Lay ontop of yoga mat, your back on the mat and your front side facing the sky.
*Keep your legs about 2 inches apart and your arms at 2 inches away from your body.
*This is a relaxation pose, take several deep breaths and move your head from right side, to middle, to left side, and back again. Very slowly and fluidly.
Now, you can also control emotional eating by just accepting that you're not going to eat a salad, but you're going to eat what you want. I provided similar advice in the PMS blog I posted.
If you are hungry for pasta, have pasta, carbs are a great comfort food, and a big part of our daily diet! Just watch your portions. And instead of store bought sauce, that has hydrogenated oils in it and sometimes high fructose corn syrup (yes, it does, scary!), make your own! It'll be fun and it'll take up time and keep your mind off of things that are stressing you out or upsetting you.
Simple recipe:
Buy a can of peeled whole tomato's
Use any spices you like, I use:
Red pepper flakes (about 3 table spoons or 5 shakes)
Italian seasoning (3 tablespoons)
Olive oil (2 tablespoons)
Pour ingrediants into a bowl, now for the fun part!
Mash the whole tomato's with the ingredients, you can use your hands, or you can use a fork. (Using your hands is more fun).
Once the tomatos and other ingredients are all mashed together, add some freshly grated parmigiano reggiano. It adds a nice bite to it.
Pour sauce over 1 serving of whole wheat pasta (about 1 cup), put on Sex & The City (the movie or the show), pour yourself a glass of red wine (0nly 160 calories a glass) and enjoy your night.