
If you don't know, now ya know...

This week I received an unsettling e-mail. Though, I have my suspicions on who wrote it, (leave me the fuck alone, seriously). However, it was interesting enough and I am more than happy to address it and set the record straight. The e-mail:
I will not post the person's e-mail address. Don't need harassment of them or me.


Your blog is shallow as fuck. Why the hell do you even bother? Giving people weight loss advice when clearly you have quite a long way to go? Seroiusly. Go away, your blog is fucking retarded, just like you. And have fun with your two a days, hope you pass out in the process."

That was the e-mail, clearly riddled with spelling mistakes, cuss words, and the like. A real genius wrote that. But lets address the REAL issues at hand:

The author of the e-mail stated that this blog is a shallow one. And, as I've said before in blog posts of the past. That is not my intention. But unfortunately anytime a woman talks about her want to lose weight, or better herself, it's automatically shallow. What? I'm not allowed to be a strong, smart, feminist woman and care about my looks? Care about what goes into my body? To that I say: haters to the far left.

I do not believe there is anything shallow about wanting to help myself and others on a more personal/age appropriate level when it comes to weight loss and having a positive self image. This blog is not for everyone, trust me, if you are perfectly happy with yourself and you "hate" food blogs, "hate" weight loss, and "hate" happiness--then please--ex out of this now. No one asked you to be here, ya feel me?

One of my favorite professors of all time, she taught my "Women in Literature" class, once said something that helps me defend my stance here. "A woman should strive to be just as strong, or stronger, than her male counterpart". I believe she meant both mentally, and physically.

Moving on to the next point of interest: "why are you giving weight loss advice when you yourself have a long way to go?" This is true. I do have a long way to go. I am nowhere near the weight I want to be, but let me tell you, I am also nowhere near the weight I once was. This is a weightloss journey for me, and along the way I hope I can give people some feedback, recipes, anecdotes, and serious tales.

I wrote this blog to empower myself. I wrote this blog my sisters, for my best friends, for my acquaintances, for my female friends, for my male friends, for my grandmother, and for my mother. This is a safe place for me to write about myself. Of course I subject myself to ridicule if people do not like my style of writing, my body type, my face, whatever it may be. But again, I didn't do this for those people.

And, "anonymous" e-mailer, as far as me "passing out" I am in the best fucking shape of my life. I could outrun a goddamn deer, out wrestle a fucking alligator and out love a dove. Believe me, when it comes to physical and mental strength- Arnold Schwarzenegger circa 1990 don't got shit on me. Best believe.

To my loyal readers/friends/family, I apologize for my language but I do not apologize for this blog. This is all for you. And, as always, haters--you know where to go.



  1. You're stronger than me my friend. Haters so far to the left they might as well be on the right.

  2. You've got lots of strength, baby. This blog is for you.
    & heck yes they are.

  3. radical self love <3 you do not have a long way to go and can stay just as you are. you are beautiful and i LOVE this blog. rock on :)
