
And so it grows...

A month ago I decided it was time for a change. So I cut my (very long, very beautiful, very luscious) hair. 7 inches, to be precise. I think that was too much of a shock to my system. I fell into a very weird, Samson-like depression. I was happy to donate it-of course-but I missed running my fingers through it, twirling it around my chin and looking like Abraham Lincoln. Oh, hair. How fun you were. So then, after the cut, as if I wasn't traumatized enough, I decided to go redder and darker in color. I messed that up, and had to have my mommy fix it (don't they just fix everything?) 

The first picture is where my hair was a month ago, the second (very Myspace-looking picture) is where my hair is today. 2.5 inches longer. And, this is the first time in 3 weeks that I've worn my hair down for the WHOLE day. I ain't scared! 

I know what you're thinking: wow, Katie. What a shallow, pointless blog-post. Wrong! The point of this is not about my superficial obsession with my own hair. But its about moving past things in life. Whether it be a weight loss challenge, a poor grade in school, an extreme hair cut, a divorce, a break up, a loss of a loved one--these are all things we can get through. Just look at yourself baby, we were built for this! We were built to bounce back from difficult things. (Not that my hair cut was that difficult, ya'll hear what I'm saying right?)

So, whatever you are going through right now. Be it big, or small, you will get through it. And when your day seems like it will never end, or if it ends on a bad note- here's my remedy: watch a couple episodes of Arrested Development, have a big bowl of fruit loops with soy milk, and a sliced banana, lay in your bed, and work it out.

This is life. This is your life. Be proud of yourself, I'm proud of you!

And so it goes...
And so it grows...


Spring cleaning: home, heart, & diet.

I took the day off of work today, due to a really bad stomach ache that has kept me in a pretty sour mood this whole weekend. But, instead of laying around and allowing myself to completely heal, I obviously decided to do my big Spring Cleaning. It helps me keep my mind off of my sickness (that definitely could have been cheese-induced), and get me on the road to a very productive and happy week.

The first step to a true Spring Cleaning, in my mind, is to treat it like a complete life cleanse. Winter is officially gone, (though this chilly weather would beg to differ), summer is right around the corner, as is the end of the semester. Starting with your bedroom, assuming of course that your mother or father does the rest of the house cleaning-as mine do. I only focus on my room and my bathroom.

I did 5 loads of laundry today. Sorted through the clothes, some are much too big now! Yes! And some are perfect to give to my younger sisters. The rest: the ones that are too big, etc...I separate into a few paper Shop Rite bags and get them ready to be donated. I choose to donate my clothes to DASI. The VFW in Livingston, as well as Good Will and the Salvation Army are also great choices. Do something good! Especially with something as simple as clothes that do not fit anymore. Once my laundry is done it's a lot easier for me to evaluate what needs to be done next, my room is always constantly covered with dirty clothes. I vacuumed, cleaned off my desk and dresser, and cleaned my windows and mirrors. All while leaving the windows OPEN, I don't necessarily follow Fung Shui to a T, but I do believe that you can't get proper energy flow with your windows closed! It's okay that it gets a bit chilly-you'll work up a bit of a sweat by cleaning!

My favorite cleaning products are Seventh Generation products. I'm sure you've seen the commercials. They're all natural and don't give your room/bathroom that gross cleaning-product smell. My room smells like lavender. Yes.

Once my room was cleaned, I decided to move on to Spring Cleaning my heart, so to speak. Now this first step may sound RIDICULOUS and silly, but I DE FRIENDED over 150 people from my facebook. Yes! And I still have more to go. I don't know these freaks! They don't know me! Or if they did it was in HIGH SCHOOL sorry creepers, but you ain't gettin any information out of me! You don't need these strangers in your life. Beware: most of them will try to re-friend you, IGNORE THEM. Some of them will send you messages like: "Thanks for de friending me" Just respond with this: "you're welcome!" END of that situation.

Also, besides facebook friends, start thinking about the friends you see often. Or the friends you hardly see. Are all of them good to you? Do they all love, and respect you? Pay attention to the things you care about? If you answered "no" to any of these questions: those people are not your friends. It sucks, but it's high time you (me) start realizing who's really out there rooting for you. And the people who aren't? Screw 'em. I've realized a lot recently, and I'd much rather only have a handful of good friends than a lot of really, really, shitty friends. Are you with me? Yeah, you are.

Now, the most important part of Spring Cleaning-for this girl and for this blog at least: DIET! Again, people, when I use the word "diet" don't fear me! The word just means what you eat and how you eat-this blog is not about restricting-you know that! I cleaned out my pantry/refrigerator today. This will be much easier, mind you, when you live on your own. I had to keep some unhealthy things because of my sisters/mom/dad. But everyone here has been making a conscience effort to eat well, and live well. So proud.

First: I bought a whole bunch of fruits and vegetables. We all know they make great snacks, meals, and smoothies! Got some good yogurts, cereals, oatmeal, cheeses, whole grains, salmon, flounder, shrimp, and some delicious yellow rice and beans. Gonna have some good eatin for the next couple of weeks.

This is all just to help you get started on a healthy, happy routine. Trust me, I know it's hard. I feel so lazy, this whole weekend the most working out I did was walking. But today is a new day. And as a good friend told me today "you can't keep putting your happiness in the future". And she's right. I am happy with the person I am TODAY, and hopefully the same will be for tomorrow, the next day, and the next.

Tonight, I look forward to: a good meal, 8 full hours of sleep, and seeing the people I love.

Thank you to all of my loyal readers, you are my true friends. And, I am yours.


Today's the day!

Today is result day! And its a Friday! Two great things rolled into one. Though, I do have to say my results aren't super exciting, or super drastic. This was a difficult month, it really was a ROLLER-COASTER of EMOTION. Therefor, it was a roller-coaster of my weight as well. Lost 5 pounds went up 1 pound, lost 6 pounds, went up 2 pounds. Total weight loss as of today? 5.5 pounds. Not FABULOUS, but I notice now that my body is getting smaller it is much more difficult to lose the pounds! But I'm okay with that, "slow and steady wins the race", yes? My mom said that to me last night, I was having an off night and later confided in some Twizzlers.

Again, Photobooth on Macbooks are not the most flattering, but I ain't ashamed. I had to do some cropping though because of some revealing breast shots. Ya'll ain't ready for that. I'm starting to see a lot of definition in my core, I think I should thank Joey Sbarro and Yoga for that. Again, 5.5 pounds didn't really jolt my body into looking dramatically different, but I do see some changes, and, as always, I do feel better about myself. 

The lower half of my body (my heaviest part) is my new focus. Lots more cardio, and leg work outs. It's almost summer, time to get it done! 

I'm rushing this blog today because I just got out of the shower and have to leave for work in, oh, 20 minutes.
Enjoy this day, enjoy this weekend, will blog again Monday.



Poached Eggs.

This post it to pay my respects to poached eggs. I've never poached one before this week, and now I'm a poaching-fiend. I tell all about my eggs to anyone who will listen, and now I'm telling about my poached egg ventures to you!

First poached egg: Saturday 4/17, for breakfast. I had to google "how to poach the perfect egg", even though I've seen my grandma poach an egg, and I've seen it on "Cook Yourself Thin", I needed my computer next to me for moral support.

First, boil water, add a bit of salt. When the water reaches a boil add a little bit of white vinegar (this is not necessary but I think it's part of the reason my eggs came out so good). After you add the vinegar, turn the heat down to medium, and start stirring the pot with big fast stirs--to help cool down the water and also to add a whirpool effect. Crack your egg gently and let it drop into the center of the whirpool. Cook for 2 minutes, some recipes I've read say cook 3, or cook 1. I found 2 to be perfect.

On top of half a whole wheat english muffin I placed the egg, sprinkled some salt and that was that. Not the most exciting way to enjoy a poached egg, but so delicious.

Second poached egg, today 4/18, lunch time. I poached the egg, while the egg was cooking I toasted 1/2 a 90 calorie roll (Deli rolls-Pepperidge Farm--amazing), on top of that was some cheese-melting away. I sliced up a tomato and took 2 slices avocado and added some oregano. Placed those veggies (or fruits? who the fuck knows), on top of my cheesy bread-half, and on top of that my poached egg. Sprinkled a bit more oregano and some sea salt--HOLLA.

These past two days have been delicious, full of protein, and delightful. But I think I'll take an egg break--at least until Tuesday. Making some fresh pasta and sauce tonight with Andrew. In the above picture he had just finished doing a whole lot of heroin--we kid. We were working out!

Tomorrow is the beginning of my work/school week. Gym at 7AM, work til 3PM, and I ain't mad at it. I'm looking forward to a filled day and then to cleaning out/off my car in the afternoon. Hopefully the sun will be shining--unlike today. It was chilly! But I see the sun now.

Hope you all had a good weekend, I won't post again until the 23rd for my body update blog! Get excited, I think it'll be a good one.


Desire, desire, desire.

Life is full of likes, and dislikes. And, like most people I know, my dislikes outnumber the things I love: I don't like long walks, I don't particularly like hot days, don't like fuzzy things, or rainbows--can't see 'em, don't like talking on the phone, don't like writing letters, don't like car rides or airplanes, do not like SLOTHS (the animal and sloth-like people).

But this blog is all about celebrating the things we love, our bodies and ourselves being number one. And the  few things that I do love, are wonderful and fabulous; good food, good friends, a good poem,  a new outfit, a great work out, and booze. 

Let's begin with good food. This can range from comfort food (macaroni and cheese) to a delicious warm beet and asparagus salad that I made this week.  
Recipe as follows:
What you will need:
1 can pickled beets 
4 asparagus stalks
3 mini red potato's
2 tsp's olive oil
1 tsp salt (sea salt preferably)
2 tbs. oregano

Preheat your over to 350
Cut your asparagus stalks into bite size pieces
Halve and boil the potatoes first (not until done, but until slightly tender)
arrange potatoes and asparagus on a baking sheet (feel free to use parchment paper)
drizzle the olive oil onto the vegetables
sprinkle the salk and the oregano

I didn't forget about those beets!! Let them sit out and get to room temperature while the other veggies bake for about 10-12 minutes. When finished arrange vegetables on a dish, slice your beets to whatever shape you like (bite size), and ENJOY, it is DELICIOUS I can't tell you about the combination of asparagus and beets--what it does to the pallet! Salt, spice, a bit of bitterness! Heaven, hello! 

Warning: Urine will smell quite foul after this meal. Do not be alarmed!

Good friends, where would I be without them? Probably sitting alone blogging in my room...! My friends are fabulous wonderful people but unfortunately with the exception of like, 4, all of them go to school outside of New Jersey. To this I say: where the heck is summer? I just want to go to the art park, sit in a basement and have some treats with all of you (you know who you are). I feel such support from my family and friends in all of my weight loss endeavors. I'm glad I have shoulders to cry on, people to eat Veggie Heaven with, and a wonderful boyfriend to tell me I look thin (even when I'm bloated). ENOUGH sappiness.

And when my friends can't provide me with the comfort I need, where do I turn? Urban Outfitters. Oh, how you lift me up, and how you bring me down. There's really nothing a cute pair of boots can't solve, a sexy skirt can't heal, or a fun crop top can't comfort. Go shopping! If you have the means, that is. You'll feel better, trust me. I'm sure my psych professors would have a lot to scold me about, but I'm telling you--retail therapy--it works wonders.

Let's talk about endorphins. Can I get a what, what? Endorphins occur in our body based on a number of stimulants, one of them is chocolate, another (healthier) alternative to chocolate is: exercise! Even if I'm having the most sluggish day, I force myself to do something physical: yoga, running, gym work out, circuit training, even crunches on my bedroom floor! Anything physical will put you in a better mood, energize you, and help you out with the rest of your day. I find working out in the morning to be the best endorphin stimulant for me. Hello day full of energy! 

And last, but certainly not least, the two main loves of my life: red wine, and poetry. People who know me well, know how to get to my heart: give me a bottle of cheap red wine, (no glass needed) and either a Federico Garcia Lorca, Stanley Kunitz, or Charles Bukowski book of poetry--and I'm all set. I do not condone constant drinking--no beer guts up in here!--but a drink every once in a while-is good for saving the soul. And Lord, does my soul need some saving.

In conclusion, to a very long, and very revealing blog:
take care of yourself. When things are shitty, write down things you love. And do them!
Call up a friend, call me up: we'll go shopping, and I'll cook you a good meal.
But never, ever, even on those shitty days, lose sight of why you're doing what you're doing. I try to never lose sight of my weight goals, and my life goals, even if they escape me for a bit, you gotta bring it all back together. Be good to your mind, body, soul.

"What makes the engine go? Desire, desire, desire."-Stanley Kunitz

Yes, Stanley, yes.


Breakfast treats.

You know your mama's got the hook up. Here we have what I had for breakfast today, a toasted english muffin, one tablespoon of peanut butter, and 1/2 a banana sliced. (Caloric total of 275) I, of course, did not take this picture. If I took a picture of my english muffin you would not want to eat it. 

Though, it is one of the messiest treats, peanut butter and I have had a long term love affair. From when I was 5 years old and I would put PB on a spoon and lick it like a lollipop, to when I was 12 and I watched the movie, Parent Trap (with Lindsay Lohan x 2) and I learned how to dip Oreo's in PB, and then again when I was depressed in Alfred University, and would eat sleeves of Oreo's and tub, after tub, of PB. Its been a long and painful journey for the two of us, but through it all, PB has taught me something: everything is good for you in moderation.

A serving size of peanut butter is 2 tbsp, about the size of a golf ball. But it packs about 190 calories, and about 8 grams of fat per serving! That's not for this girl. But PB also has tons of benefits--protein (for those of us who don't get our protein from Animals, this is very important), and the fat, though plentiful, is the "good" kind of fat. The kind we need for our bodies and brains to work! (Work it). 

Another breakfast treat involving a PB is an old classic: Apples with peanut butter. What I like to do is toast 1 slice of whole wheat bread, spread 1 tbsp (1/2 serving) of PB drizzle about 1/2 tablespoon of Honey, and slice up an apple and place it on top. DELICIOUS! NUTRITIOUS! What else could you want?

This has been a great PB week, and a great week overall! A woman I work with asked me if I've lost some more weight, and I have! About 3 pounds so far this month! My work out activities this week have been fabulous, the weather has helped me so much. Monday I ran 5 miles outside, Tuesday I did a nice long Yoga session with my great friend Joey Sbarro, Wednesday I took a 2 hour walk, Thursday I was too sore to function, and today I'm hittin that gym hard and going for a swim!

Have you all been enjoying this weather? I hope it helps you get back on your feet after this winter slump. Tonight I will be enjoying myself in the city making pizza with good friends and having a good time. Isn't life grand?

By the way, has anyone seen this video? The girl is uglier then sin, the video is horrendous, but the song is addicting.
(Remember the girl band 3Lw? And the Cheetah Girls?  She was in both of those bands..glad to see her career has blossomed).