
Spring cleaning: home, heart, & diet.

I took the day off of work today, due to a really bad stomach ache that has kept me in a pretty sour mood this whole weekend. But, instead of laying around and allowing myself to completely heal, I obviously decided to do my big Spring Cleaning. It helps me keep my mind off of my sickness (that definitely could have been cheese-induced), and get me on the road to a very productive and happy week.

The first step to a true Spring Cleaning, in my mind, is to treat it like a complete life cleanse. Winter is officially gone, (though this chilly weather would beg to differ), summer is right around the corner, as is the end of the semester. Starting with your bedroom, assuming of course that your mother or father does the rest of the house cleaning-as mine do. I only focus on my room and my bathroom.

I did 5 loads of laundry today. Sorted through the clothes, some are much too big now! Yes! And some are perfect to give to my younger sisters. The rest: the ones that are too big, etc...I separate into a few paper Shop Rite bags and get them ready to be donated. I choose to donate my clothes to DASI. The VFW in Livingston, as well as Good Will and the Salvation Army are also great choices. Do something good! Especially with something as simple as clothes that do not fit anymore. Once my laundry is done it's a lot easier for me to evaluate what needs to be done next, my room is always constantly covered with dirty clothes. I vacuumed, cleaned off my desk and dresser, and cleaned my windows and mirrors. All while leaving the windows OPEN, I don't necessarily follow Fung Shui to a T, but I do believe that you can't get proper energy flow with your windows closed! It's okay that it gets a bit chilly-you'll work up a bit of a sweat by cleaning!

My favorite cleaning products are Seventh Generation products. I'm sure you've seen the commercials. They're all natural and don't give your room/bathroom that gross cleaning-product smell. My room smells like lavender. Yes.

Once my room was cleaned, I decided to move on to Spring Cleaning my heart, so to speak. Now this first step may sound RIDICULOUS and silly, but I DE FRIENDED over 150 people from my facebook. Yes! And I still have more to go. I don't know these freaks! They don't know me! Or if they did it was in HIGH SCHOOL sorry creepers, but you ain't gettin any information out of me! You don't need these strangers in your life. Beware: most of them will try to re-friend you, IGNORE THEM. Some of them will send you messages like: "Thanks for de friending me" Just respond with this: "you're welcome!" END of that situation.

Also, besides facebook friends, start thinking about the friends you see often. Or the friends you hardly see. Are all of them good to you? Do they all love, and respect you? Pay attention to the things you care about? If you answered "no" to any of these questions: those people are not your friends. It sucks, but it's high time you (me) start realizing who's really out there rooting for you. And the people who aren't? Screw 'em. I've realized a lot recently, and I'd much rather only have a handful of good friends than a lot of really, really, shitty friends. Are you with me? Yeah, you are.

Now, the most important part of Spring Cleaning-for this girl and for this blog at least: DIET! Again, people, when I use the word "diet" don't fear me! The word just means what you eat and how you eat-this blog is not about restricting-you know that! I cleaned out my pantry/refrigerator today. This will be much easier, mind you, when you live on your own. I had to keep some unhealthy things because of my sisters/mom/dad. But everyone here has been making a conscience effort to eat well, and live well. So proud.

First: I bought a whole bunch of fruits and vegetables. We all know they make great snacks, meals, and smoothies! Got some good yogurts, cereals, oatmeal, cheeses, whole grains, salmon, flounder, shrimp, and some delicious yellow rice and beans. Gonna have some good eatin for the next couple of weeks.

This is all just to help you get started on a healthy, happy routine. Trust me, I know it's hard. I feel so lazy, this whole weekend the most working out I did was walking. But today is a new day. And as a good friend told me today "you can't keep putting your happiness in the future". And she's right. I am happy with the person I am TODAY, and hopefully the same will be for tomorrow, the next day, and the next.

Tonight, I look forward to: a good meal, 8 full hours of sleep, and seeing the people I love.

Thank you to all of my loyal readers, you are my true friends. And, I am yours.

1 comment:

  1. this is my favorite post so far! I'm following pretty much allll of your advice :) definitely needed to hear some of it. oh, and you're fabulous, duh.
